My research focuses on the socio-economic history of 1st millennium BCE Mesopotamia. It is based on the cuneiform archival documentation dating to the Neo-Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods. On the one hand, I am looking into state structures and the composition and role of their key institutions palace and temple. On the other, I am investigating the conduct of life and professional activities of well-off urban citizens. I study these issues also from a comparative historical perspective.
Curriculum vitae
2014: Dr.phil. in Assyriology, Vienna University
2009: Mag.phil. in Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology, Innsbruck University
since 07/2017: Post-doctoral researcher in the project “Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire,” headed by C. Waerzeggers, Leiden University
2015-2017: Post-doctoral fellow, staff of the project “The Neo-Babylonian Cuneiform Corpus (NaBuCCo),” headed by K. Abraham, KU Leuven
2015: University assistant, Oriental Institute, Vienna University
2009-2015: Doctoral/Post-doctoral researcher in the project “Royal Institutional Households in First Millennium B.C. Mesopotamia,” headed by H.D. Baker, sub-project of the National Research Network (NFN) “Imperium and Officium,” headed by M. Jursa, Vienna University
2020: “Legal texts in 1st millennium BCE Assyria and Babylonia,” Seminar, Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University
2018/19: “Royal Inscriptions from the Assyrian to the Persian Empire,” Seminar, Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University
2018: “Tempel und Palast – Institutionelle Haushalte in Mesopotamien im ersten Jahrtausend v. Chr.,” Altorientalisches Institut, University Leipzig, with J. Hackl
2015: “Akkadische Lektüre I oder II: Altbabylonische Erzählungen (Gilgameš, Anzû, Etana),” Oriental Institute, Vienna University
Grants and awards
07–08/2016: Visiting Research Fellow at the Martin Buber Society of Fellows in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
2016: Approved LMU Research Fellowship, Neo-Assyrian Legal and Administrative Documents. Typology, Contents and Archives, K. Radner, Historisches Seminar, LMU Munich